Wiccan Way

Gates of Light

In Silver RavenWolf's book To Stir a Magic Cauldron, Silver mentions eight levels she uses in her trance work
that I thought were worth mentioning.

               1. the Gate of Healing- A large, circular shower area decorated with thousands of mosaic tiles of every color imaginable. When your spirit/mental self steps into this shower, all negativity of this plane and any damage done to you will be washed away and repaired.     

              2. the Gate of Dreams and Creation- Dream workings of all types, both during regular sleep, induced sleep, and meditative experiences. Here, ideas and passions of creation (music, dance, art, writing, ect.) can be accessed to their heights and depths.

             3. the Gate of Knowledge- Deals primarily with communication, including telepathy, astral projection, conversations with the living and dead, and those waiting to be born. This also includes guides, guardians, teachers, and masters.

            4. the Gate of Memories- Here is your personal history, all the lifetimes you've lived, the lessons you did and did not learn, the abilities and skills you have and have not taken advantage of.

           5. the Gate of History- Holds the Hall of Akashic Records, then thousands of temple records stored over the centuries, the history of any lineage, people, clan, or group of souls.

           6. the Gate of Purpose- Reveals the mechanics of almost anything, from actions of people to countries and assists the seeker in the positive arrangement of his or her own life. It also may be accessed to help others, should your intentions be pure. It reveals the purpose of the Universe, and your place in it.

           7. the Gate of Unity- the home of perfect love and perfect trust- the thread that binds the Universe together. The realm of perfection in all things, both past and present, living and inanimate, as well as things yet to be.

           8. the Gate of Divinity- Few are able to get here, the place of union of the allselves with the divine.




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