Wiccan Way

Moon Cycle Stages


The Wheel of the Moon is approximately 28 ½ days, waxing (increasing in size) from New Moon to Full Moon, and then waning (decreasing in size) from Full Moon back to New Moon. This traversal of the Moon through the heavens is broken into quarters or phases and each is significant. The full eight phase traversal is as follows:

New Moon --> Crescent --> First Quarter --> Gibbous
--> Full Moon --> Disseminating --> Last Quarter --> Balsamic

There are actually eight distinct moon phases, many Witches often work only with the four quarters instead, that is New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

To correspond the eight phases with the four quarters, the First Quarter equates to the Waxing Moon and the Last Quarter equates to the Waning Moon.



occurs when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign and degree, or conjunct. When the moon is new, it is not visible in the sky because it rises at the same time as the sun. The New Moon is a time of beginnings. Magickal work involving the start of something new or other projects that favor growth are best performed under a New Moon.

New Moon magick can effectively be worked for 3 days before and 3 days after the New Moon. This is called the Moon Dark period, and it is viewed as a time of endings and letting go before the new cycle begins. The darkness of the Moon Dark period consumes all unwanted energy and is a great time for banishing work.

is the period from the New Moon to the Full Moon. This is a good time for spells that attract or bring positive change, such as spells for love, luck, wealth, or anything else you would like to draw to you. The Waxing Moon is considered a time of growth, development, and articulation of things that already exist.

occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite one another in the sky, otherwise known as opposition. During this time, the bright light of the Sun shines through the full sphere of the moon, reflecting her beauty. It is associated with the Goddess in her Mother aspect. The energy generated by the Full Moon is so potent that its power can be felt from three days before to three days after the actual Full Moon. Spells and magickal work performed at this time can be extremely potent as well. This is a time of power, strength, healing, and nurturing. Fertility spells, spells that transform, and those designed to increase psychic ability are best performed at this time. The Full Moon can be considered a time of culmination or fruition, and achieving goals.

There are 13 Full Moons per year, one each month. Every year, one month will have two full moons and that second full moon is called the Blue Moon. The Blue Moon varies from year to year in regards to which month it occurs in. The full moons in each of the other months have fixed names as follows:

is the period from the Full Moon to the New Moon. During this time, the moon begins to decrease in size as it starts its journey back towards the Sun. The Waning Moon is a period of banishment, release, and completion. Spells and magickal work designed to break bad habits, end a bad relationship, or otherwise release something old or unwanted are best performed during a Waning Moon. It's also a time for introspection, reflection, and intuition.

January - Wolf Moon
February - Storm Moon
March - Chaste Moon
April - Seed Moon
May - Hare Moon
June - Dyad Moon
July - Mead Moon
August - Corn Moon
September - Harvest Moon
October - Blood Moon
November - Snow Moon
December - Cold Moon

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